本厂经过二十多年的不懈努力,现已拥有一批技术**的管理人员及生产能手、设计人员及销售**,建立了良好的销售网络。产品**欧美、日本、韩国、斯里兰卡、中东、及港、澳、台等地区。*的产品、较新的设计、诚信的合作深受国内外顾客的**。 我厂本着"以顾客为中心、以质量为核心、以信誉为**"的三心经营理念。欢迎新老顾客来人来样来电洽谈业务,真诚合作,共创辉煌。 The plant after 20 years of unremitting efforts, and now owns a number of skilled managers and production experts. Design and marketing staff elite, the establishment of a good distribution networks. Products sold far away Europe and the United States, Japan, South Korea, Sri Lanka, the Middle East, and Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other regions. It has the First-class products, the latest design, and the integrity of cooperation as well as foreign custome..